Our eyes' pupils dilate, or widen, in the dark to allow more light to enter, allowing us to see better. That's what some people call our natural night vision. It takes a few moments for our eyes to adjust to darkness or brightness, so drastic changes in light levels can leave us seeing bright spots or nothing at all until our pupils can adjust. This is where multicolor flashlights can help us out.
The most common colored lights are red, blue, and green. Each of these is “softer” and don't affect our night vision as severely as white light. They are also less likely to be seen at distance, which is an advantage for those who wish to keep a low profile.
Because red light appears less bright to the human eye and also provides more contrast, it is most commonly used as a general-use light at night.
However, red light can make map reading a bit more challenging, since many lines and markers are printed in red. For this reason, blue light is preferred for map reading. Blue light is also better at spotting bodily fluids like blood, which makes it a common choice for not only police investigators and search-and-rescue teams, but hunters as well. It's also known to be useful for cutting through fog.
Like red and blue, green light can help preserve natural night vision. Unlike white light, it doesn't attract insects and doesn't spook fish or game — remember that the next time you go camping, angling, or hunting.
Multicolor flashlights allow us to stay effective long after the sun has set. So, we've gathered some of the premier models on the market. Read on to see which one lights up your nightlife.
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